I Love Book Clubs!

Contact me to set up a Zoom meeting with your book club to chat about my books, women’s stories, life…the sky’s the limit!

A Discussion Guide is below for my latest novel, The Mother Gene.

Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia

Book Club Discussion Questions

  • The Mother Gene introduces lots of types of women and mothers. Which one do you relate to the most, and why?
  • Do you remember a fictional, movie, or television mother who influenced you as a child or young woman? What was it about her that you wanted to emulate?
  • The Mother Gene includes several different types of mother/daughter relationships. How did you respond to the relationships between Lillian and Miriam, Miriam and Olivia, Mary O’Toole and Lillian, or Alva Preston and Evelyn?
  • What are your thoughts about women’s choices when it comes to being a mother?
  • Do you believe certain people should not be allowed to have children? If so, which people and why?
  • What are your thoughts about chosen family in contrast to biological family?
  • Miriam dreams of a mother gene—a scientific predictor of predisposition for mothering. What are your thoughts about this idea?
The Mother Gene by author Lynne Bryant Historical and Contemporary Women's Fiction